Computer maintenance

Search Result... Computer maintenance

Top 5 Worst Reasons for Hard Disk Failure

Isn't it scary to think about hard drive failure? It becomes more alarming when you have to work on something important and the submission deadline is near. Unfortunately, the loss of hard drives seems to be a common problem these days.…

Posted on July 22, 2022

6 Solutions to Computer Freezing when Backing Up Data

Data backup has significant importance in the contemporary world to ensure data security. What if the data backup process gets interrupted?

Posted on July 21, 2022

4 Steps you should Follow after Hard Drive making Strange Noises

Laptop or computer hard drives are sensitive and prone to hardware damage due to human or hardware error. When you hear strange noises like clicking, grinding, or whirring from the hard drive, it indicates that the components inside are physically damaged.

Posted on July 21, 2022

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